3 fantastic exercises to strengthen your shoulders

Now that there is little time left for the beaches to start to fill up with people with spectacular bodies, it is a good time to start doing some sport and to tone it up a bit. One of the parts of the body that is important to strengthen are the shoulders, since they will help you to stylize your entire figure and to boast of a perfect body. Don’t miss out on these 3 exercises that will help you tone your shoulders.

3 exercises to tone your shoulders

  • Backward shoulder rotation. To perform this simple exercise, you must take a dumbbell with each hand and immediately begin to do backward twists and in this way develop the shoulder area. You must keep your back straight and perform the movements as widely as possible. You can do 3 series of 20 to 25 repetitions and gradually strengthen the shoulders of your body.
  • Front elevation. For this exercise, grab the dumbbells and raise them up to shoulder height. To get it right, you need to keep your back straight and keep your wrists relaxed. You can do about 3 series of 15 to 20 repetitions each. Apart from developing the shoulders, it is a perfect exercise to strengthen the entire area of ​​the arms and chest.
  • Front circles. This is a very simple exercise to do and consists of taking a weight in each hand and starting to make small circles with your wrists. You should have your arms stretched out in front and your back completely straight. You must do 3 series of 20 to 25 repetitions.

With these 3 exercises so easy and simple you will be able to tone the shoulders of your body and be able to show off an excellent body during this summer.

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