5 exercises to show off having a round butt

We are in the era of ‘big bootys’, and unless genetics are generous, in order to reach the goal of having rounded buttocks, a series of guidelines must be followed, and physical exercise is one of them. The rounded shape of the buttocks results from the toning and activation of the 3 muscles that make them up: gluteus Maximus, median or median, and minor. Therefore, it is important to focus the training routine on strengthening the entire group, in order to give the shape that you really want to obtain.

The 5 exercises that make your ass round

  1. Lateral leg raise. To perform this exercise, you have to lie on your side, keeping both legs stretched out, one on top of the other. Next, it is necessary to raise the leg that remains above, without touching the one that is lying on the floor. In addition to strengthening the gluteus, the hip and the famous cartridge belts are worked on.
  2. Sumo or samurai squat. This squat exercise has the particularity that it is performed with the legs wide apart, the toes facing out and the back straight, keeping the chest up. A weight can be added in the hands to make the exercise more difficult and give more intensity to the gluteal work.
  3. Circles with bent leg. For this exercise you have to be in quadruped, distributing weight on hands and knees equally. Bend one leg toward the ceiling, then make large circles in one direction and the other, keeping the knee elevated and the foot facing up.
  4. Knee with lunge back. This is an exercise with a slight cardiovascular component. It is about raising one knee towards the chest, and then throwing the leg as far back as possible, taking the weight towards the ground. The ideal is to do it first with one leg and then with the other, to increase the intensity.
  5. Eggs face up on fitball. It is carried out using a large ball or fitball; you have to lie on your back with your legs stretched out on top of it. Next, raise the hips, and carry out the movement of bringing the knees closer to the chest and stretching again, trying to keep the buttocks as high as possible.

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